Our Hiring Process

Our hiring process is systematically structured for the recruitment of both fresh graduates and experienced professionals through the following 5-steps, all applicants will go through each step which are explained briefly below:

    KPC only accepts applications once its official recruitment campaign has been activated and announced via local newspapers, KPC homepage and KPC official social media accounts.

    Applicants meeting the minimum requirements posted, will be able to apply through our recruitment portal until the end of the advertisement’s date. (Please note that those campaigns are restricted to nationals, applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be able to apply).

    Submitted applications will be reviewed to ensure they comply with the minimum requirements ​of the recruitment campaign, in case further information is needed applicant will be contacted by our recruitment team.

    Applicants are highly advised to add our domain Recruitment@kpc.com.kw to their Safe Sender List to ensure receiving future emails in their inbox.

    Applicants who meet the criteria will be scheduled for assessment tests, our recruitment team will ensure sending emails in advance with necessary details.

Applicants who have successfully passed the assessments tests will be scheduled for personal interviews, all necessary details will be communicated to applicants beforehand.

Selected applicants will be provided with contingent job offer upon successfully passing several pre-employment requirements which are mandated by Kuwaiti Labor Law. Once accepted, our recruitment team will initiate the onboarding process and will facilitate the necessary arrangements for the applicants’ resumption.​